
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Goungura chutney | sorrel leaves chutney | How to make Andhra gongura roti pachadi recipe

 Gongura chutney: This is a Andhra traditional and tasty chutney made with Gongura Leaves
 ( Sorrel leaves). The recipe is very simple, made with handful ingredients under 15 minutes. This  will be perfect with White Rice or Veg Pulao or Chicken Biryani!

Gongura leaves are sour in taste, the chutney will be slurpy and yummy!. 'The gongura greens are cherished in Andhra cuisine more than any of its counterparts and is used to prepare delectable pappu, pachadi and other dishes.

A simple sorrel leaves chutney recipe:

Prep time  Cook time   Total time                                     
  5 mins      10 mins         15 mins


Gongura leaves 1 big size cups/1 bunch
1/2 cup chopped onions
1/2 cup chopped tomato peaces/2 medium size tomatoes
12 green chilies
3 garlic cloves
2  tbs oil


.Wash gongura and keep it a side.

.Heat oil in a pan add green chilies fry till they change light color,take out from the frying pan them  (put into the plate )in the same pan add gongura leaves and fry untill leaves gets soft,take gongura  to a pbnnn late.

.In the same pan heat 1 tbs oil and add onion,tomato place the lid and fry untill both gets soft. coll down.

.I am using masher to griend my chutney, you can use mixi also, but in the mixi you have to
 add all ingredients at a time and make a course paste.finally we have make course paste.i have a  small masher that's why i am adding one by one ingredients,if u have big masher you can add all at a  time and mash it  into a course paste.
.Now take a masher add green chilly, little salt mash them into course paste,add garlic cloves mash  them to course .

.Add gongura leaves ,salt mash it into a course paste ,finally add boiled onion,tomato and mash it into a nice course paste .

.Now your yummy,delicious gongura chutney is ready to serve with rice and veg pulao.

How to make gongura chutney
Sorrel leaves chutney
Andhra gongura chutney
Gongura roti pachadi recipe

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